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Sumitronics has extensive expertise in product design and manufacturing of advanced PCBA technologies, electronic products and full turn-key electromechanical product box-build.
We can support customers in technology segments of networking, telecom, data storage, industrial, utility automation, automotive, consumer and medical. Expertise acquired in manufacturing, engineering, cost control, materials management, and quality control has enabled Sumitronics to become one of the world’s leading contract manufacturers.
Our manufacturing systems, unique from other EMS providers, enable Sumitronics to be the most efficient and cost effective solution for OEMs with high-mix low-to-medium volume programs.

Lean operating systems are supported by equipment platforms that enhance product quality. Processes and production are flexible, which is the central part of our strategy, and have been instrumental in reducing set-up and changeover times. This is the key to our efficiently producing low-to-medium volume products in a high-mix environment.

Product design, engineering and test development services, design for manufacturing (DFM) analysis, industrial design and mechanical design.

In-circuit test programming and fixture development, functional test system development, X-Ray inspection, environmental stress screening (ESS), RF functional test systems and full traceability of components.